- keynote speaker Steven De Costa. Steven is CEO of LinkDigital
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2023 } Time: 5:30 PM
Invitation from the Open Data Society to colleagues in the open government / open data space to our event 530pm September 12th at the Centre for Social Innovation in downtown Toronto. Please REGISTER at the link provided below./
Here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/canadian-open-data-society-linkdigital-present-an-open-data-revolution-tickets-694191093247?aff=oddtdtcreator
This is a really ground-breaking event for us because it's our first in Toronto and our first sponsored non-Summit event. Also, we are bringing in LinkDigital of Australia to talk about their experience of fostering public trust with public data, which they have worked on with the Australian federal and state governments. As co-stewards of the CKAN project many open data publishers across Canada will know them and their work well - and they are starting to operate here now.
We also will be presenting the new activities of the Society. I hope this will include our upcoming mapping of Canada's open data ecosystem, and an outline of our own ultimate hopes for open data publishing.
Please pass this invitation along freely - admission, food and drinks are free, the topics current and relevant, and the venue highly accessible in every sense of the word!
Please join the Canadian Open Data Society and LinkDigital of Australia for an intimate evening reception in downtown Toronto centred on open data as an ecosystem and as a force for good in both countries.
*** We are pleased to welcome as a keynote speaker Steven De Costa. Steven is CEO of LinkDigital, an Australian software services company now launching operations in Canada. Link Digital is a co-steward of the CKAN Project (widely-used open source software for open data portals). LinkDigital has very deep experience with open government and open data in Australia and a number of its state governments. He will be speaking on the following topic:
Building Public Trust with Public Data
Hear about opportunities for using government data in both Canada and Australia to build public trust via open data and data sharing programs. Learn what each of the countries have established over various levels of government and what the notable benefits have been. Steven De Costa will provide an overview of his experience with open data programs throughout Australia and cover some of the current legislation and policy directions that are set to inform future stages of data and digital actions intended to build public trust with data.
Also speaking will be Paul Connor, Executive Director of the Canadian Open Data Society, a membership-based non-profit that hosts the annual Canadian Open Data Summit (this year in Victoria November 23rd and 24th), in addition to other activities. He will be speaking on the following topic:
Canadian Open Data Ecosystem
Learn about Society's new project mapping the open data ecosystem across Canada (including publishers, major users, advocates, learners and beneficiaries) so that data resources may be made more accessible, and mutual awareness may be fostered among all participants in this ecosystem.
*** The venue is completely accessible and close to several rail rapid transit routes, as well as parking.
Organized by
Canadian Open Data Society
GIS professionals interested in open data management and use.
Interested in offering a Webinar? Contact Programs for details.