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Save the date for our Annual BeSpatial Event and AGM  in early May!

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 Welcome to Your Geospatial and Information Community in Ontario 

About BeSpatial

BeSpatial is the premier geospatial and information non-profit organization in Ontario, dedicated to sharing valuable geospatial insights within our community. Comprised of public and private sector professionals, groups, affiliate organizations, and businesses, we  discuss, develop, and provide innovative solutions in the field of geospatial applications and technologies. Actively seeking partnerships with like-minded professional organizations like AOLS, MISA, and ACEC, BeSpatial fosters a collaborative environment.

About Us Flyer

Our History

Originally part of the URISA community since 1987, BeSpatial (formerly known as URISA Ontario), emerged as a distinct entity in the early 2000s and shaped its identity as BeSpatial Ontario.

Our Vision and Mission

At BeSpatial, we uphold a vision, mission and strategic goals/objectives. Every August we convene for a strategic planning session to review and ensure our objectives meet the needs of our membership.

Operational Structure

BeSpatial operates with the support of a dedicated team of volunteers. The backbone of our Board is our Executive Director, Sandra Crutcher, a founding member of the organization with over 35 years of commitment. The organizational structure includes a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, an 7-member Board of Directors, an 17-member Board Management Team, and 10 Standing Committee positions.

Young Professionals Network (YPN)

The YPN, overseen by its own committee chair, offers engaging events, mentorship programs, monthly webinars, and a special session at the Annual General Meeting.

Annual Highlights and Activities

The BeSpatial annual event and expo features three streams (usually: technical, business application, strategic) and showcases approximately 25 presenters over two full mornings. Our virtual platform allows us to reach audiences beyond Ontario, including delegates from other provinces and other countries. Additionally, regional in-person events and monthly virtual webinars provide valuable opportunities for sponsors and participants alike. Our BeSpatial Annual Event is held in early May.

Membership Value

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals across sectors, attend events, workshops, and webinars, fostering partnerships and idea-sharing.
  • Latest News: Stay updated with regular eNews email blasts, featuring Ontario-based geospatial and information news, events, and job postings.
  • Professional Credits: Earn continuing educational credits to maintain professional designations (such as the GISP) by participating in Ontario geospatial events.
  • Community Contribution: Contribute to the GIS community, and earn community contribution credits (required for the GISP designation).

Maximizing Membership Value

  • Participation: Register for and actively engage in both virtual and in-person opportunities.  Offer your expertise and present a webinar or AGM session to the membership!
  • Stay Informed: Read e-newsletters promptly to stay informed about the latest developments.
  • Network: Utilize virtual and in-person events to network with fellow members, and thereby fostering professional relationships.

Our Sponsors and Partner Organizations


About Us

We are recognized as the premier geospatial and information non-profit organization in Ontario. where members share their experiences through networking and program events for the use and integration of spatial data, information, applications and technologies that provide solutions and solve challenges in both the public and private sectors.

Become a Member

Show your commitment to the Geospatial Community by joining us. Be part of a dynamic geospatial and information community whose mandate is to advance the effective application of spatial and information to enable business services and decision making.  


 Education and research.

 Networking.

 Discounts and member-only events.

Find Us


For membership inquiries contact: Membership

For website issues contact: Web

All other inquiries contact: Info

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