BeSpatial issued a poll on August 14 seeking your input on program topic areas
We've heard back and the results are below;
BeSpatial / urisa ontario will be reviewing these topics of interest at our upcoming strategic planning session. Your feedback on this poll is much appreciated!
Below are geospatial and Information focused topics identified from our BeSpatial'19 post-event survey:
- Archiving information and digitizing things for future generations. Fun themes like ways of convincing higher ups to buy into a new GIS system or feature.
- ArcGIS Online and ArcPro demos, other municipalities with their mapping process.
- AR, leveraging open source software/ GitHub, municipal uses for lidar.
- Banking industry.
- BIM/CIM sessions or workshop.
- Broad swath of speakers that will be working with GIS data (multi-agency dispatchers & responders - OPP, municipal police/fire/paramedics; Bell 9-1-1; CRTC TIF committee; NENA; Esri Canada; dispatch software providers).
- Commercial business as a theme.
- Data and application of GIS with data.
- Education industry.
- Employee Focused Forum.
- Environmental topics, include sessions on emerging industries that will affect and/or collaborate with GIS, such as AI.
- Field Data Collection, Internet Mapping, Methodology/SOP.
- GIS Management sessions or balancing the advanced technology with departmental stability.
- Lessons Learned - more content about mistakes we have made in the past / what are our concerns with the directions we are headed into the future / more information on how to educate public better / more information on how to get council and government on board with implementing new ideas.
- Lidar and drones acquisition.
- Lightning presentations... an hr session with ~5-10 minute presentations showcasing successful GIS projects.
- Open Government Open Data AI/Machine Learning in the spatial world.
- Privacy and data, Future of GIS, Transit / transportation planning, new or soon to release data science tools time saving methods community engagement / partnerships.
- Smart Cities - How/who should be involved in smart cities
- Unconventional/expanded uses of GIS software beyond mapping.
- Utility focused presentations would add interest.
- What’s trending? - impacts on business decisions Artificial Intelligence and Internet of things, for example and from a Geospatial perspective. Also, intelligence driven by information through analytics / Geospatial solutions.
- Webinar or 1/2 Full day session opportunities - Sessions were very high-level due to their short time. Would like to see some longer sessions with more detail offered.
If you have an presentation that would appeal to our geospatial and information community, please complete the presentation submission form or contact John to discuss. Program content is to be public sector and/or industry recognized and non-corporate aligned.
If you are a private sector partner, please consider inviting a public sector client to co-present with you. Sponsored opportunities for the private sector are available.